Safer, simpler, and more convenient
Your new recessed switchboard will look sleeker and cleaner and make your life easier. No more blown fuses or constantly tripping circuits. And you’ll rest easy knowing your electrical installations are safe, and safe to use. That’s because modern switchboards contain the following safety devices:
Circuit breakers
These clever electric safety devices detect and stop excess current in its tracks. They’re designed to trip a circuit to protect against overcurrent or short circuit (e.g., a wiring issue in an appliance).
Residual Current Device
This life-saving device will trip an electrical circuit where there is earth leakage (e.g., if you cut through a power cable and accidentally touch the exposed wires). It offers a level of personal protection that circuit breakers can’t provide, and it also protects your electrical equipment.
Arc fault detection device
An Arc Fault Detection Device (AFDD) provides an extra layer of protection by monitoring electrical arcs. If it detects abnormal or dangerous arcs (e.g., caused by loose connections, crushed cables or worn insulation), it will cut the electricity supply to stop the fault getting hot enough to cause a fire.
This all-in-one circuit breaker, RCD and AFDD is especially useful where it might be difficult to rewire parts of a property, or where there’s a higher risk of fire, such as an older building or storage shed for timber or other flammable materials. It costs more to install AFDD-RCBOs, but they give the most protection.
Main Earth & Multiple Earthed Neutral system (MEN)
This is the most important safety feature of any electrical installation. It usually consists of an earth peg and a green/yellow cable that connects your electrical installation to a mass of earth. This is what enables all the devices described above to isolate any defective electrical equipment and protect you from electric shock.
Electrical inspection
Most new switchboards and some upgrades or replacement of switchboards must have an inspection by a registered electrical inspector. We can organise this for you.
If you’re unsure how old your switchboard is or you think it needs an upgrade, get in touch. Click here to send us a message, or call us on 0508 GET LECK (438 532).
Call Bryce now on 09 6241875 to book your switchboard health check now.